Οκτώβριος 2024

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When: 02/11/2024

Tickets: Early Birds €20

About the event:

"Comedy Island" standup club presents the concert "BIG STANDUP"!

There are so many topics in our lives where we humans are similar to each other. Relationships, work, households, vacations, electricity and water bills are all undoubtedly familiar to each of us. But the coolest person is the one who can afford to laugh at their struggles and everyday life. Comedy Island standup club invites you to the "BIG STANDUP" to laugh at the things we are used to and have a nice evening!

6 of the best comedians in Cyprus will tell new and very funny jokes, as well as share their intimate and no less funny stories from life. We are waiting for you!

Also, subscribe to the club's social media:



When: 02/11/2024

Tickets: Kids From €25 | Adults From €20

About the event:

"Эй, Незнайка, полезай-ка в воздушный шар," - приключения начинаются.

Театр "Остров" приглашает вас вновь посетить удивительный сказочный город с цветочными улицами, где живут коротышки, Незнайка и его друзья.

Любимые всеми герои, добрые и справедливые, заставят улыбаться, петь и веселиться не только детей, но и их родителей. Не упустите возможность окунуться в мир сказки и детства вместе с талантливыми актерами нашего театра!

Дети до двух лет – бесплатно

Все дети по окончании представления могут сфотографироваться с актерами


“Hey, Dunno, get into the balloon,” - the adventure begins.

The Ostrov Theater invites you to once again visit the amazing fairy-tale city with flowery streets, where the shorties live, Dunno and his friends.

Everyone's favorite heroes, kind and fair, will make not only children, but also their parents smile, sing and have fun. Don't miss the opportunity to plunge into the world of fairy tales and childhood together with the talented actors of our theater!

Children under two years old - free of charge

All children at the end of the performance can take pictures with the actors



When: 13/10/24 - 01/12/24

Tickets: €10

About the event:

Το Θέατρο Δέντρο παρουσιάζει, μία αλλιώτικη παράσταση με ένα αλλιώτικο κείμενο, βασισμένο σε μια αληθινή ιστορία και μια πραγματική στιγμή, με τίτλο «Κι Εγώ;» του Αχιλλέα Κουκκίδη.



When: 03/11/2024

Tickets: Early Birds €25

About the event:

Stand-up comedian Kirill Selegey is going on tour with a new concert "From the Heart" and will come to Limassol very soon!

You may know Kirill as a participant of the show "Dispersal", "Book Club", in the past resident of Stand Up Club #1, "Stand Up" on TNT, "22 comedians", "Comedy Battle". After the previous concert "AAAAAA" 2/2, dedicated to acute social and political topics, Kirill Selegey turned his eyes inside himself, exploring internal problems and trying to find his place in an ever-changing world. And there will also be jokes about airplanes.

"From the soul" is not just a concert, it's a journey into the depths of Kirill Selegey's soul. In his new speech, Kirill shares his experiences with the audience. What's behind the comedian's external lightness and jokes? This is a chance to see deep emotional experiences and sincere reflections behind the facade of laughter. But there will be regular jokes about porn sites. This is a concert for those who appreciate not only humour, but also depth. But mostly humour. 

Kirill on the Internet: 







When: 06/11/24 - 23/12/24

Tickets: €15 (κανονικό) | €12 (συνταξιούχοι, φοιτητές)

About the event:

Το Θέατρο «ΔΙΟΝΥΣΟΣ», ανακοινώνει την επόμενη του παραγωγή που είναι το εμβληματικό έργο του Τόνι Κούσνερ «Άγγελοι στην Αμερική», που ανεβαίνει σε σκηνοθεσία Αιμίλιου Χαραλαμπίδη. Η επίσημη πρεμιέρα του έργου αναμένεται να δοθεί στην κεντρική σκηνή του Θεάτρου «ΔΙΟΝΥΣΟΣ», την Τετάρτη 6 Νοεμβρίου 2024, στις 8.30 μ.μ.


Where: MUSIC HALL, Limassol (Georgiou A' ave, 89A)

When: 06/11/2024

Tickets: €50

About the event:


On November 6, a charity concert by Marianna Rosset, “Carpe Diem,” will take place at Music Hall, where kindness and creativity will unite for a vital cause — helping children.

This evening promises to be incredibly warm, kind, and uniquely special! Musical and dance groups from the island, both adults and children, will fill the night with magic! Each performance will be a unique contribution to the common cause, leaving unforgettable impressions in the hearts of the audience.

All proceeds will go toward purchasing essential medications for Liza Chumakova, a beneficiary of the “Rainbow in Cyprus” Foundation.

The ticket price is €50 — your donation that will help make a difference. Admission is free for children.

Join us! Let’s spend this evening together and give Liza priceless moments of life!

…Carpe Diem…



When: 07/11/2024

Tickets: Zone Α: €25 / €18 (concession) | Zone Β: €20 / €15 (concession) | Zone C: €17 / €12 (concession)

About the event:

Lemesos: Thursday 7 November 2024 - Pattichio Municipal Theatre, 20:30

Lefkosia: Friday 8 November 2024 - Nicosia Municipal Theatre, 20:30

Samuel Barber: Adagio for strings, op. 11

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart: ‘Porgi amor’ and ‘Dove sono’ from Le nozze di Figaro

Georges Bizet: Adagietto from L’ Arlésienne suite no. 1

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart: ‘Come scoglio’ from Così fan tutte

Edvard Grieg: Solveig’s song from Peer Gynt Suite no. 2, op. 55

Jean Sibelius: Pélleas et Mélisande Suite, op. 46

Camilla Tilling soprano

Michalis Economou conductor

With performances in such legendary venues as Covent Garden and La Scala, soprano Camilla Tilling has established herself as a world-class opera singer. Possessing a “beguiling tone and unfailing musicality” (Gramophone, 2020), Tilling will mesmerize the audience with exquisite arias from Mozart’s Le nozze di Figaro and Cosi fan tutte, and the nostalgic Solveig’s song from Grieg’s Peer Gynt Suite.

Under the firm baton of the superb maestro Michalis Economou, the concert holds more enchanting musical gems that transport us to imaginative lands: from the dramatic intensity and tranquil beauty of Barber’s Adagio for strings, to Sibelius’ evocative lyricism in Pélleas et Mélisande, and Bizet’s serene depiction of the Provence landscapes in the Adagietto from L’ Arlésienne suite.



When: 07/11/2024

Tickets: From €39

About the event:

SHORTPARIS is modern post-pop, pop-noir, avant-pop, experimental band that opposes the modern music scene and aims to find original musical and artistic solutions.
On November 7th SHORTPARIS will perform at OPUS EVENTS VENUE.
Tickets are on sale now.



When: 07/11/2024 - 28/11/2024

Tickets: €15 | €10 (LMS members, pensioners, full-time students, soldiers) | €45 (PASS - for all days)

About the event:

LMS presents PIANOFEST3, a piano festival featuring four virtuoso Cypriot pianists, Orestis Magou, Nicolas Costantinou, Rami Sarieddine and Eleni Mavromoustaki.

Music interpreters, in their capacity as universal performing artists, have always served as ambassadors of transnational artistic creation. Through their performances, they communicate to audiences an endless and diverse spectrum of meanings and messages, which, in its totality, ranks as the gateway to understanding human existence. As a deed of altruism, music sets the conditions for mutual understanding, solidarity, empathy and love. Works that once emerged from the inherent need for personal expression, and which constituted catalysts for spiritual uplift, now offer a glimmer of hope that humans will ultimately coexist. By contrast, works, which were originally intended to awaken national sentiment, have come to operate as bridges of familiarity and communication between different cultures and peoples. During their lifetime, many composers were severely criticized, if not persecuted, for the messages they sought to convey, precisely because the power of their music was regarded as a threat to the regime.



When: 07/11/24 - 22/11/24

Tickets: €15

About the event:

A popular movie director is conducting auditions. Four unknown actors, who are not there by mere coincidence, unknowingly become the subjects of his artistic experiment. The presence of one of the candidates will change everything, and the audition will transform into a psychological power play... in front of the camera.



When: 08/11/2024

Tickets: From €49

About the event:

По многочисленным просьбах всех, кто не смог побывать на премьере спектакля ЭТО ВСЕ ОНА, спектакль анонсирован на дополнительную дату!


Романтическая трагедия

В ролях: Виктория Толстоганова, Денис Власенко

Нашумевшая премьера новой театральной постановки знаменитого режиссера Даниила Чащина, номинанта премии «Золотая маска»

Как вернуть доверие? Как понять и услышать друг друга?

Как восстановить разрушенные отношения с детьми и что значит любить их?

Мать с сыном живут в обособленных мирах и почти не разговаривают. Пытаясь наладить отношения, Мать начинает общаться с ним в соцсети с фейкового аккаунта от имени его ровесницы. Этот интернет-диалог затягивает обоих – они начинают жить в двух реальностях. В одной - глухая стена и одиночество, в другой – иллюзия идеального мира, в котором они обретают то, чего им так не хватает в жизни. В результате Сын влюбляется в виртуального аватара Матери, не зная, что это она.....

 Драматург Андрей Иванов и один из самых известных театральных режиссеров Данил Чащин не предлагают готовых рецептов, но каждому их нужно найти самому.

Лихо закрученный сюжет, уникальные декорации, и световое и звуковое шоу никого не оставят равнодушными.

Cложные декорации, уникальное световое и звуковое шоу, созданны командой художников театрально- продюсерского центра “Арт-Партнер”, чьи постановки всегда становятся бестселлерами и не сходят с театральных площадок уже 20 лет.

Начало 20-00


Продолжительность 1 час 40 мин без антракта

CARE Festival


When: 08/11/24 - 17/11/24

Tickets: Κανονικό: €12 | Μειωμένο (φοιτητές / άνεργοι / ηλικιωμένοι): €10 | Τιμή συνοδού για ανάπηρα άτομα: €10 ,ΑΜΕΑ Δωρεάν | Τιμές εργαστηρίων: €10

About the event:

Larnaka 2030 announces the second edition of the CARE Festival in November 2024 in Larnaka city and region! Presenting artistic activities for the whole family and young people, and focusing on mothers, women, and educators, CARE Festival aims to create a mother-city that cares about its future, children, and young people. The activities - which include theatre and music performances, workshops for all ages, a conference for teachers, and a walking performance in the centre of Larnaka in collaboration with 16 dance schools and the Larnaca Music School – highlight important social issues that plague Europe today - war, migration, refugees, the marginalisation of vulnerable groups and young people.

The activities will take place in various locations in the city and region of Larnaka, on 8, 9, 10, 16 and 17 November. The Festival is organized by Larnaka 2030, in collaboration with the Cultural Foundation for Children and Youth and the Pierides Foundation, and with the support of: Youth Makerspace Larnaka, Larnaca Federation of Primary Education Parents' Associations, Larnaca Federation of Secondary Education Parents' Associations, Cyprus Pancyprian Organization of Greek Teachers, Cyprus Organization of Greek Secondary Education Officers (Larnaca Province), Cyprus ADHD Association.

Silver Panda Live at LaCaleta

Where: LaCaleta - Iconic Dining

When: 08/11/2024

Tickets: Presale €30 | At Door €50

About the event:

Get ready for an extraordinary night of electronic music as Gil Pod Events presents Silver Panda at the stunning LaCaleta restaurant! Renowned for their innovative and captivating sound, Silver Panda has quickly become a standout name in the electronic music scene. Their distinctive melodic techno style has earned them a devoted fan base around the world and a place among Beatport's top 10 melodic techno artists.

On November 8, the evening in Limassol will be filled with pulsating beats and energetic rhythms, promising an unforgettable experience for all techno music lovers. The night will kick off with a dynamic warm-up set by DJ Raif, setting the perfect atmosphere for Silver Panda's highly anticipated performance.

Date: November 8

Doors Open: 19:00

Venue: LaCaleta - Iconic Dining

Get ready to experience the magic of innovative sound and a dynamic performance by Silver Panda!

EORA: Imaginarium

Where: The Warehouse by ITQuarter, Limassol

When: 09/11/2024

Tickets: First Entrance Release €60

About the event:

On November 9th, we unlock the Casket of Dreams and step into IMAGINARIUM — a world where vivid, strange, and surreal stories and creatures from our wildest dreams come alive.

EORA invites the most extraordinary musicians, acrobats, and performers to guide us through this fantasy world.

Lineup: Geju | Chris Schwarzwalder | Wanduta (live) | Hrag Mikkel | Elswhre
Venue: The Warehouse, Limassol
Date: November 9th, 19:00 - 03:00

Join us in this dream you’ll never want to wake up from...



When: 09/11/2024

Tickets: Kids from €25 | Adults from €20

About the event:

Осенняя премьера для всей семьи от театра «Остров» !

Яркий и увлекательный спектакль по мотивам знаменитой книги Астрид Линдгрен.

В центре сюжета — неподражаемая девочка Пеппи, которая не признаёт никаких правил и условностей взрослого мира и доказывает своим примером, что жизнь становится ярче, когда веришь в чудеса и не боишься быть собой!

«Пеппи Длинный Чулок» — это история о дружбе, приключениях и самой сути детства, которая вдохновляет и заряжает позитивом на долгое время.

Все дети по окончании представления могут сфотографироваться с актерами


Autumn premiere for the whole family from the Ostrov Theatre!

A bright and exciting performance based on the famous book by Astrid Lindgren.

The plot centers on the inimitable girl Pippi, who does not recognize any rules and conventions of the adult world and proves by her example that life becomes brighter when you believe in miracles and are not afraid to be yourself!

"Pippi Longstocking" is a story about friendship, adventure and the very essence of childhood, which inspires and charges with positivity for a long time.

All children at the end of the performance can take pictures with the actors

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