Когда: 18/09/2021 - 18/09/2021

Билеты: Show & 3-Course Dinner €23 | Show Only €10

О мероприятии:

A world champion ETA (Elvis Tribute Artist) Mario Kombou will give a stunning performance as Elvis at the Colosseum. Mario has been performing his tribute to Elvis for over twenty years and has notched up over 6,000 performances to date. He also trained as an actor, starring in film, television and theatre productions around the world. Since his first role in the movie 'The Odyssey' Mario has taken on many high profile acting and musical roles but the high point for him was landing the lead role in the hit London West End musical production of Jailhouse Rock in the role of Elvis Presley's character Vince Everett which had a successful run at the Piccadilly Theatre. He has performed live to millions of people on various television and radio shows such as Top Of The Pops and GMTV and was asked to sing the National Anthem at Twickenham Rugby Stadium to an audience of 50,000 people. Mario won the" Images of The King" competition in 2005 in Memphis, Tennessee, USA and was the first European (British ETA) to do so. He has also gone on to win numerous Ultimate tribute artist contests throughout the world.
Dinner Starts at 19:00 | Show Starts at 20:30

Дополнительная информация о мероприятии:

Mario is the only tribute artist in the world to have been officially endorsed by Donna Presley (Elvis' first cousin). Mario is also endorsed by Elvis Presley Enterprises. Mario has performed his tribute to Elvis all over the world. As far as New Zealand, America and all across Europe. So you have the rare opportunity to witness the top class entertainer at our restaurant.

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